With five planets quietly gathering in your sign, you are about to become the person of honor in a cosmic celebration, dear Gemini. Jupiter has been in your sign since last summer. Looking back over the past twelve months, this should have been a very good period for you; influential people have been taking note of your efforts. It is evident that someone in a lofty position was willing to help you advance to the next level, and you may have met more than one person, on a personal level, who could change your life.
For some, the past year gave you a taste of the high life; you may have enjoyed touches of luxury and ease. Now, many planets are gathering in Gemini to bid Jupiter good bye. Jupiter is starting to pack his bags for a scheduled departure on February 12, headed to the constellation of Cancer. Before Jupiter leaves, however, the Cosmos have planned quite an exciting send-off for you, the likes of which you have not seen in years. These exciting fireworks will start to go off mid-month, and will be breathtakingly beautiful to behold.
Although your ruler, Mercury, will be retrograde from February 4 to 28, that sky above you will twinkle so brightly that even sleepy Mercury won't be able to spoil your fun. Having Mercury retrograde will simply urge you to take your time, and to think through new opportunities carefully. While it wouldn't be the time to sign any contracts, it would be an ideal moment to make plans, have talks, travel, and set the broad outline of your next move into place. Talking and communicating is your strong point, dear Gemini, so you should be in fine shape!
Before you can fully enjoy yourself, however, you have to get over one little bump that will occur with a partner, spouse, collaborator, or detractor at the full moon on February 5 (plus or minus four days). One of these people seems determined to rain on your parade — or at the least be cranky or critical. Because this full moon is swiping close to Saturn, whatever news this person has for you could make you feel a bit deflated and depressed. I sense that this is how most people of your sign will feel the full moon.
Full moons work to clean up the area of the chart in which they fall, clarifying emotions that are operating under the surface. At the very least, you will get to know this person's unspoken opinions. (By the way, this other person seems to be playing a fairly big role now.) If not much has been going on in your life, you will see only the mildest of disagreements or possibly even none at all. On the other hand, those Geminis born on or near February 5 will likely feel the effects of the full moon more than others.
Some Geminis (perhaps a small percentage) will say that this full moon helped them crystallize a wonderful, major alliance that has been slowly shaping up. Those Geminis may get engaged or married, or start a business with a partner. If this is how things work for you, that would be great, for Saturn's presence suggests it is an alliance that will stand the test of time. Looking at your chart, both sides have apparently given great thought to the impending promise and are ready to take the next step. So much depends on your individual chart with your specific time of birth; there are things I cannot see, but this will give you an idea of what to expect. These aspects are hitting your personal planets and your closest relationship sector, symbolizing desires that are nestled in your heart and soul.
Just to be safe, around February 5, try to treat everybody around you with kid gloves; you would be wise not rock the boat. Someone may become upset with you out-of-the-blue and there is very little you can do to prepare for that. If you discover that someone is yelling at you, just be glad to receive this full disclosure — you will need this information in the future. Luckily, you are a level-headed Gemini, not given to wide swings of emotions. Try to take whatever this person is saying with a grain of objectivity.
At the full moon on February 5 and during the days surrounding it, try to cooperate rather than demand things your way. Some compromise seems necessary at this time. With so many planets in Gemini, you could settle on an solution that pleases you, but you will have to acknowledge that pushy Pluto, headstrong Mars, and the emotional full moon are working in a tug of war with your personal planets, which represent your desire. In a word, your partner is probably going to be a handful, so be prepared.
Despite what I have written here, don't let one incident spoil an otherwise marvelous month, one that could change the direction and path you take forever.
The reason I am so enthusiastic about February is that there are a series of major aspects falling in succession, each spectacular in its own right. The most glittering aspects fall on February 13-14, when Jupiter conjoins the Sun in Gemini, an occurrence that happens once every twelve years. Meetings, events, and opportunities that come up at this time have long-range potential for outstanding happiness. Help things along by working on something important to you at this time.
The events and meetings you schedule for February 13-14 should focus on your ability to speak, write, teach, lecture or communicate. There is also a chance that you are planning a trip that week; if so, it would work out better than expected. It is truly a spectacular two-day period, when dreams can transform to reality right before your eyes.
Then, right on its heels comes another sensational day: on February 15, the Sun in Gemini and Uranus in friendly Aquarius dance across a star-studded sky. Uranus is moving through the 9th sector of the higher mind, philosophy, learning, and travel. In the old days, the traveler was considered the wise one in the village, having had a chance to see how others live and to be changed by it all. To this day, astrologers still feel that this is true. Assistance from people at a distance could show up quite suddenly, transforming your deepest desires into something you see and touch.
Unbelievably, your good luck streak continues. On February 17, your ruler, Mercury, is in perfect angle to Uranus, and on the following day, February 18, your luck grows even larger, for Mercury moves into exact degree with Jupiter. Mama mia! This is a startlingly good month! Look back to see what you discussed on May 16 (or thereabouts) — more good news now flows from something started then.
Your final wonder day arrives on February 20, when Jupiter (in Gemini) calls on Uranus (in compatible air-sign Aquarius) to transmit signals from the 9th to the 1st sector, Publishing, long distance travel, foreign people, legal matters, publishers, and educators again are your friends. Certainly one of these individuals should be key for you!
If you are born on or close to these dates, February 13-20 (within five days), you are being touched with a double dip of luck. Events that occur on one's birthday in astrology are thought to have staying power, and will be played out over the course of a full year. Yours are phenomenally good!
Now let's turn to financial matters. Lately you may have been concerned about money and resources. If so, you are about to see a change for the better. The new moon eclipse in Cancer falls in your 2nd sector of earned income and will likely bring you the possibility of earning from a brand new source. Many Geminis have lost one source of income recently at no fault of their own. (If this is you, your credibility remains very much in tact — your reputation does NOT appear to be at stake.)
Now, the new moon eclipse brings a bit of a miracle, by setting in motion a career opportunity you've wanted for a long time. If you have been thinking of changing jobs, getting a raise, or taking on a new client, this is your moment to do so. Something you were working on around January 9 will advance to a new level of development. There could be talks of an agreement to sign, or maybe someone influential has asked you to teach a group something that you know well. If you are working on the launch of a website or advertising or publicity campaign, this eclipse could push it all into motion.
Next month, Jupiter will move into your 2nd sector of income, bringing a big bonanza. In that regard, so much of what you did in the past year will now bear fruit. The shape of the next chapter, extending February 2017-February 2002, will be completely dependent on your previous efforts. If you worked hard the year before and sowed many seeds, you should see a huge upswing in your fortunes, no matter what your present situation.
Once money begins to pour in, try to save or invest at least part of your newfound bundle of cash. Also, work to lower debt. Constrictive Saturn will move into this very same income sector from February 2003 to February 2005, long after Jupiter has left, which will make earning more difficult. This is a little too far ahead to think about now, but just tuck this information away in the back of your mind. It will remind you that you are indeed in a rare and lucky period, to last a full year — and it may be coming in the nick of time. Accept it as the gift that it is to you, and allow it to let you grow and to stabilize your gains. You may look back on the present as a time when "it all began." Like a golden pear hanging on the tree, it is there for you to keep or to just leave upon the branch. Use it, dear Twin, or lose it.
Even relationships (including romantic ones) are due to get better and better this month, for when Jupiter is in one's Sun, the people who enter your life have a certain fated quality about them. Coincidences are there, yes, but you may ask, are they truly accidental? There will be a startling synchronicity at play here. Your best romantic days are February 13 through February 19, with about a day added on either end. Add the lovely weekends of February 9, when the moon is in Aquarius, and February 16, when the moon is in Aries and the Sun kisses Mercury. Truly, a golden week.
Let your heart guide you. This month's events and opportunities could truly change your life.
If you are feeling unusually optimistic and excited about life, there's sound astrologic basis for it: you now find yourself in the most supportive, uplifting time of the year. Bigwigs want to support you, so don't be shy about asking for help on your grandest plans and schemes. Partnership talks surround you near February 5, but could be a bit troublesome, so treat those who seem to be on the war path gently. On the upside of this full moon, some Geminis may be either getting engaged or married, or starting a business with someone they trust. That, too, would work out, as this full moon will give you a litmus test of where your relationship is going, in quite graphic terms.
Mercury will be retrograde until February 28, so make your detailed plan, but don't sign on the dotted line before month's end.
If ever there was a golden day, February 13 would be it! Jupiter (good fortune, gifts) and the Sun (strength, vitality) align in Gemini, a cosmic event not to happen again until 2013. More good news flows on February 17, 18, 19, and 20. Gather up your courage, and meet with an influential person who can help you further goals. You could wind up touching the stars!
By the eclipse on February 21, you will be finding that at least one new source of income is being offered to you (choose carefully!) This opportunity will make up for one or two sources that you previously lost. Gemini, you are on your way. It is a fabulously lucky month — use it to the max!